Laundry Time

Children pee a lot - especially boys. When you're trying to get the pee smell out of clothes you can use bleach, or you can use salt and vinegar. I just add some iodized salt and white vinegar to each load of kids clothes I wash - it doesn't damage the colors but will remove that awful urine smell. To get blood out of clothes use hydrogen peroxide. Pour on and let it bubble, then dab it off (don't rub). Repeat until it's gone.

Oh - and watch out for bananas and avocados - if left on clothing they'll turn brownish black and you won't be able to get it out. Throw the clothes away and use a bib next time!

1 comment:

Twinlinebackers said...

I know I'm not your daughter but thanks for the tip on salt and vinegar. I knew about vinegar but I am going to try the salt.